Childhood Obesity in Virginia: A Call to Action

Understanding Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Strategies for a Healthier Future

Slide 1: The State of Our Children's Health

A Snapshot of Overweight and Obesity in Virginia

    Slide 2: Unpacking the Numbers

    Diving Deep into Virginia's Overweight and Obesity Data

      Slide 3: The Income Divide

      How Family Income Affects Childhood Obesity Rates

        Slide 4: Insurance Matters

        Exploring the Connection Between Health Coverage and Weight Status

          Slide 5: Race and Obesity

          Examining Racial Disparities in Childhood Weight

            Slide 6: Policy & School Standards

            Virginia's Progress in Obesity Prevention Policies

              Slide 7: Child Care Licensing

              Regulations Promoting Healthy Habits in Child Care Settings

                Slide 8: Taking Action

                What Can We Do To Create Healthier Outcomes?

                  Slide 9: Healthy Eating Habits

                  Fostering Nutrition at Home and in Schools

                    Slide 10: Active Living

                    Making Physical Activity a Part of Everyday Life

                      Slide 11: Community Collaboration

                      Working Together for a Healthier Virginia

                        Slide 12: Economic Impact

                        Addressing the Financial Burden of Obesity

                          Slide 13: Call To Action

                          Empowering Families

                            Slide 14: The Path Forward

                            Embracing a Healthier Future for Virginia's Children

                              Slide 15: Thank You

                              For Your Time and Attention