Childhood Obesity in Virginia: A Call to Action

Understanding the Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Disparities to Promote Healthier Futures

Slide 1: The State of Our Children's Health

A Look at Overweight and Obesity Prevalence in Virginia

    Slide 2: Unmasking the Risk Factors

    Identifying Key Contributors to Childhood Obesity

      Slide 3: Disparities in Obesity Rates

      Exploring Inequities Across Income, Insurance, and Race

        Slide 4: Economic Burden of Obesity

        The Financial Impact on Virginia and the Nation

          Slide 5: Policy Initiatives in Virginia

          Evaluating State-Level Actions to Combat Obesity

            Slide 6: School Standards: A Missed Opportunity?

            Assessing Nutritional and Activity Standards in Virginia Schools

              Slide 7: Child Care Licensing Regulations

              Promoting Healthy Habits from an Early Age

                Slide 8: Virginia's Actions: A Closer Look

                Examining Key Initiatives and Resources

                  Slide 9: Understanding the Data

                  Key Methodologies and Sources

                    Slide 10: Federal Poverty Level Definition

                    Understanding Income-Based Disparities

                      Slide 11: Disparity Ratios Explained

                      Measuring Differences Between Groups

                        Slide 12: Hispanic Origin Definition

                        Understanding Ethnicity Data

                          Slide 13: Call to Action: Building a Healthier Virginia

                          Empowering Communities, Changing Policies, and Improving Lives

                            Slide 14: The Future of Virginia's Children

                            A Healthier Generation is Within Reach

                              Slide 15: Thank You

                              For your attention and commitment to children's health