Ensuring Excellence in Installation, Testing, and Commissioning of Chilled Water Air Handling Units
Importance of a robust QA process for optimal AHU performance and longevity.
Implementing stringent safety protocols for all AHU-related activities.
Guaranteeing the reliability of testing equipment through valid calibration certificates.
Confirming essential AHU specifications against manufacturer's data.
Validating proper AHU mounting and condition.
Identifying and addressing any damage incurred during installation.
Ensuring proper drainage system functionality.
Confirming adequate access for servicing and repairs.
Verifying that ducts and pipes are free from obstructions and interferences.
Confirming proper installation and accessibility of control components.
Verifying the absence of condensate water around the AHU and its network.
Inspecting power cables and control boxes for safety and integrity.
Assessing AHU noise levels and pressure testing ductwork.
Confirming the correct assembly of chilled water pipe connections.
Appreciation for your attention.