How to improve your presentation skills in 2024

Master the art of presentations with these essential tips, ensuring clarity, engagement, and authentic delivery.

Effective presentation skills are a cornerstone of success, transcending academic and professional spheres. In a world where communication is paramount, the ability to articulate ideas with clarity, engage diverse audiences, and leave a lasting impact is invaluable.
In this blog let’s deep dive into exploring how anyone who is either a working professional or student can improve their game of crafting stellar presentations.

01. Why are good presentation skills important?

Improving your presentation skills is crucial, whether you're a student or a professional. Presentations are a common way to showcase your knowledge and convey key ideas, making it essential to hone this skill. To excel in presentations, consistent practice, patience, and attention to certain aspects can make a significant difference.
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Good Presenters=Good Communicators: Your success at work hinges on effective communication. As a strong presenter, you exemplify this skill, confidently conveying information to diverse audiences. In your daily interactions with supervisors, colleagues, and customers, you prioritize clear and timely communication. Bringing your exceptional presentation skills into everyday communication enhances the workplace, fostering a professional and efficient environment.
Career growth lies in effective communication: Employees with exceptional presentation skills are more likely to be noticed by superiors, enhancing their chances of climbing the corporate ladder and achieving career growth.
Learn form great presentators like Shah Rukh Khan, Steve Jobs, Mukesh Ambani etc.
For an instance here are few points on how Steve Jobs used Compelling story telling, attention to detail while presenting the new products by Apple.
  1. Compelling Storytelling: Steve Jobs excelled at presenting by weaving innovative and relatable narratives that engaged diverse audiences.
  1. Passionate Delivery: Infusing his presentations with genuine enthusiasm, Jobs created an emotional connection with his audience, adding a dynamic and memorable element to his talks.
  1. Simplicity and Clarity: Jobs embraced simplicity, distilling complex ideas into clear, straightforward messages, making his content easily digestible for a broad audience.
  1. Commanding Stage Presence: With a confident demeanor, carefully rehearsed gestures, and strategic pauses, Jobs commanded attention and created a powerful and influential presence on stage.
  1. Attention to Design: Jobs understood the importance of visual aesthetics, featuring clean and minimalist slides that complemented the overall user experience, leaving a lasting impression.
Check out this article by Ajit Shivram on LinkedIn who delved deep into Jobs effective presentation skills.

02. Know your subject and audience well

Understanding your subject matter and audience is the initial step in enhancing presentation skills. Tailor your approach based on whether you're addressing university peers or delivering a business pitch. Knowing your content thoroughly and understanding your audience allows for more effective communication.
Real world use case:
In an High School a student named Rahul, was assigned to present quantum mechanics to high school peers, Rahul prioritized subject mastery above anything else. He started Surveying classmates' knowledge, he tailored the complex topic, integrating relatable examples. Rahul's clear and engaging presentation fostered understanding, showcasing the vital connection between profound subject knowledge and audience adaptation.
On the day of Presentation: On the day of the presentation, Rahul impressed his peers and teachers by seamlessly blending his in-depth knowledge of quantum mechanics with a keen understanding of his audience's comprehension levels. He skillfully adapted the complex material, using relatable examples and interactive elements. By addressing potential challenges and encouraging participation, Rahul created a dynamic and engaging learning experience.
His ability to navigate the delicate balance between subject expertise and audience empathy showcased the importance of both in delivering a successful and memorable presentation.
What can we learn form Rahul’s example??
  1. Subject Mastery Matters: Rahul's commitment to thoroughly understanding quantum mechanics highlights the importance of subject expertise. Deep knowledge forms the foundation for a compelling and accurate presentation.
  1. Adapt to Your Audience: Rahul's survey of his classmates' knowledge demonstrated the value of tailoring content to the audience. Recognizing and addressing diverse understanding levels ensures engagement and comprehension.
  1. Effective Communication is Key: Rahul's clear and well-structured presentation showcased the significance of effective communication. Clarity in articulating complex ideas is essential for audience understanding and engagement.
  1. Encourage Interaction: By incorporating interactive elements and encouraging participation, Rahul created a dynamic learning environment. This fosters engagement, deepens understanding, and makes the presentation more memorable for the audience.
Key takeaway: Success lies in mastering the subject and tailoring content for the audience's comprehension.

03. Feel Comfortable, have a friendly body language

Open and friendly body language is a simple yet powerful way to improve your presentation skills. Avoid closed postures like crossed arms, as they can convey disinterest. Instead, use open gestures and consider moving around to engage your audience visually.
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  • Gestures: Utilizing open hands and strategic pointing emphasizes key points and invites audience engagement with the presented information.
  • Eye Contact: Establishing and maintaining eye contact reassures the audience of your presence and attentiveness, fostering a connection and engagement.
  • Postures: Your stance, whether confidently upright or relaxed yet professional, conveys authority and credibility, influencing how you are perceived by the audience.
  • Positioning: Purposeful movement in your performance space adds dynamism, visually engaging the audience and maintaining their attention.
  • Facial Expressions: Expressive facial gestures, such as a warm smile, a raised eyebrow for emphasis, or a thoughtful furrowed brow, humanize the presentation and enhance the impact of your message.
If you want to learn more about importance of body language check out the below video by Symonds Training where he covers not just about body language but essential points on giving an effective and stellar presentation skills.
Video preview

04. Practise! It is the only shortcut you could afford

Practice is key to improvement. Practice alone in front of a mirror or record yourself to identify areas for enhancement. Consider rehearsing in front of a small group of friends for constructive feedback.
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How Arjun became the greatest archery master with continuos practise and what can we learn from him
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  1. Dedicated Practice:
      • Archery: Arjuna's skill in archery was honed through consistent and focused practice.
      • Presentations: Regular and focused practice in public speaking is crucial for refining communication skills.
  1. Guidance and Mentorship:
      • Archery: Arjuna benefitted from the guidance of his teacher, Dronacharya.
      • Presentations: Seek guidance from experienced presenters or mentors to refine your approach and receive constructive feedback.
  1. Continuous Learning:
      • Archery: Arjuna committed to continuous improvement by learning advanced techniques.
      • Presentations: Stay committed to ongoing learning, exploring new presentation techniques, and adapting to evolving communication strategies.
  1. Real-World Application:
      • Archery: Arjuna actively applied his archery skills in real-world battles.
      • Presentations: Apply your presentation skills in diverse settings—meetings, workshops, or public speaking events—to enhance adaptability and effectiveness.
  1. Mental Discipline:
      • Archery: Arjuna mastered mental discipline, focusing on concentration and emotional control.
      • Presentations: Develop mental discipline in presentations, managing nerves and staying composed to connect effectively with your audience.

05. Keep the presentation engaging and well structured

Engage your audience with a well-structured and captivating presentation. Incorporate stories, visuals, or humor to maintain interest. Keep the pacing optimal to prevent audience disengagement.
Here are few ways to make your presentation engaging:-
  1. Research the Audience and Topic:
      • Identify the interests, knowledge level, and expectations of your audience.
      • Tailor your content to resonate with the audience's preferences and needs.
      • Thoroughly understand the topic to convey information confidently and address potential questions.
  1. Utilize Icebreakers and Creative Introductions:
      • Foster a comfortable and interactive atmosphere by incorporating icebreakers.
      • Begin with creative personal introductions to establish a connection with the audience.
      • Encourage participation from the start to create a sense of involvement.
  1. Apply the 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint:
      • Limit the number of slides to maintain audience focus and prevent information overload.
      • Aim for a 10-slide presentation, lasting no more than 20 minutes, with font size no smaller than 30 points.
      • Prioritize clarity and visual appeal to enhance comprehension.
  1. Embrace Non-linear Flow for Interactivity:
      • Design your presentation with interactive elements, allowing non-linear navigation.
      • Incorporate clickable links or interactive segments to cater to varied audience interests.
      • Keep the audience engaged by providing choices and opportunities for participation.
  1. Integrate Multimedia Elements:
      • Enhance the presentation with visuals, such as images, videos, and infographics.
      • Use multimedia to illustrate key points, add variety, and cater to different learning preferences.
      • Ensure that multimedia elements are relevant and complement the overall narrative.
  1. Inject Humor for Engagement:
      • Lighten the mood by incorporating relevant and tasteful humor.
      • Use anecdotes, witty remarks, or humorous visuals to connect with the audience.
      • Be mindful of the context and ensure that humor aligns with the tone of the presentation.

06. Keep your presentation slides simple, complexity is for Aliens

When using presentation slides, keep them simple and supportive. Bullet points and relevant visuals can reinforce your message. Avoid overwhelming slides with excessive information.


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  • Simplified presentations are more effective in conveying the intended message. By focusing on the essential elements and eliminating excess material, presenters can communicate their ideas clearly and leave a lasting impact on the audience.
  • Keeping presentations simple ensures that the audience can quickly grasp and understand the key elements without being overwhelmed. This enhances engagement as people are more likely to stay focused on straightforward, easy-to-follow content.
  • Simplifying presentations benefits the presenter by reducing unnecessary complexity and minimizing the time and effort spent on overcomplicated details. This contributes to maintaining the presenter's sanity and allows for a more efficient presentation process.
  • Audiences generally prefer presentations that are concise and straightforward, requiring minimal time for comprehension. Simplicity in design and content contributes to a positive learning experience, making it easier for the audience to retain and understand the information.
Check out this video by Dr.Devika Bhatnagar who is a celebrated Orator and Youtuber speaking on Presentation skils and importance of simplicity while presenting.
Video preview

07. Be yourself - It is the best advice given by Bill Gates to Satya, before he took over as the CEO of Microsoft!!

While drawing inspiration from others is valuable, maintain your uniqueness. Showcase your strengths in a way that reflects your true self, creating a presentation style that is distinctly yours. Lastly, be authentic.

Importance of being Yourself while presenting:-

  1. Authenticity Boosts Confidence:
    1. Being yourself during a presentation enhances your confidence. Authenticity allows you to speak with conviction and authority, contributing to a more successful delivery.
  1. Audience Engagement Relies on Authenticity:
    1. Presenters who bring their true personalities to the stage are more likely to engage the audience effectively. Authenticity creates a genuine connection, fostering a more dynamic and meaningful presentation.
  1. Consistency with Natural Energy:
    1. Matching your presentation style with your natural energy levels is crucial. If you deviate from your usual demeanor, the audience may feel uncomfortable, and genuine engagement becomes challenging.
  1. Leveraging Personal Traits for Impact:
    1. Being yourself means drawing upon your strongest personality traits. Passion and authenticity in your presentation contribute to increased energy, leadership, and confidence, making your message more impactful.
  1. Focus on Audience, Not Yourself:
    1. Reminding yourself that the presentation is about the audience, not just you, reinforces the importance of being a relatable messenger. Authenticity ensures that your focus remains on delivering valuable content rather than conforming to a perceived presentation style.
Pro Tip
Check out this TED Talk by Caroline McHugh on the art of being yourself which not only improves our presentation skills but also helps us be a unique person in our everyday life…
Video preview


In conclusion, the significance of continuously refining presentation skills cannot be overstated. Beyond the mere delivery of information, adept presentation skills empower individuals to inspire, inform, and connect. From the boardroom to the classroom, the ability to captivate an audience, convey complex ideas with simplicity, and exude confidence is a hallmark of effective communicators

Frequently Asked Questions:

How can professionals enhance their presentation skills in a corporate setting?
Implement strategies like clear content, engaging visuals, and confident delivery tailored to the business context.
Are there specific techniques to manage nerves during professional presentations?
Yes, techniques include rehearsal, controlled breathing, and focusing on connecting with the audience to build confidence.
How can students utilize technology to enhance their academic presentations?
Use presentation tools for clear visuals, leverage multimedia for impact, and explore virtual platforms for innovative delivery options.
What are some long-term habits students can cultivate to continually improve presentation skills?
Seek constructive feedback, participate in public speaking opportunities, and join relevant clubs or workshops for ongoing skill development.

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