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1Yes, just click the toggle button on the pricing page to switch to monthly billing.
Cancelling your subscription takes less than 3 clicks, just visit manage subscription link enter email login and click cancel. You can cancel anytime and your subscription will last till the end of the billing cycle.
Manage SubscriptionWe will find account with the gmail/gsuide id specified in purchase and upgrade it. No license key required! then just follow
Get Started GuideAbsolutely. When you make a purchase, the gmail address specified in the order will be automatically upgraded and the payer email is not tied to the account
You can send a mail to while your support period is still valid. Support is provided for issues with installation, licensing and usage. It does not include any customization or custom new features.
Contact SupportA user is defined as one Google Account email address (yourname@domain). Our add-ons are licensed per user (Google Account) and you can use the license on any computer as long as you are signed in with the same email address.
Send a mail at and we'll be happy to help you π
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