How To

How to conclude a presentation | end your presentation on a good note

Lasting impression, reinforces key points, motivates action; ending shapes overall perception, leaving positive impact.

How to conclude a presentation

Imagine you've just delivered a captivating presentation that held your audience's attention throughout. As you approach the conclusion, the anticipation in the room is palpable.
Now, it's the crucial moment to wrap up with flair and create a lasting impression.
The conclusion of your presentation carries immense significance. It's the moment that solidifies your message in the minds of your audience. So, how can you conclude your presentation memorably and leave your audience inspired? That's precisely what we aim to guide you through in this article on mastering the art of ending a presentation.
In the following sections, we will delve into few effective methods to conclude your presentation with style. These strategies are designed to help you leave an indelible impact, making your audience exclaim, "Wow!"
Prepare to enhance your presentation skills and captivate your audience with these tried-and-true closing techniques. As we dive into these closing techniques, it's essential to recognize the role a strong conclusion plays in influencing your audience. The way you conclude your presentation can either reinforce your key points or leave your audience with a sense of confusion.
Think of your conclusion as the grand finale of a performance. It's your opportunity to summarize your main ideas, leave a lasting impression, and motivate your audience to take action. By mastering these closing techniques, you not only elevate the overall quality of your presentation but also establish a connection with your audience that lingers well beyond the meeting room.
Let's explore these powerful techniques that will not only end your presentation on a high note but also set you apart as a dynamic and engaging speaker.

Table of content:

  • 5 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style
  • Few tools to Help You Create a captivating Presentation
  • How to Start a Presentation like a Pro
  • Some of the top Presentation Mistakes to Avoid

5 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style 👌

  1. Incorporate a Compelling Call-to-Action (CTA): When concluding your presentation, the importance of a strong call-to-action cannot be overstated. As a business owner, your ultimate goal is to inspire your audience to take specific actions. Don't leave this to chance; instead, use powerful and definitive language to direct your audience. Phrases like "Begin the journey" or "Join the fight" cut through ambiguity, clearly conveying what you want your audience to do. By providing a decisive call-to-action, you not only guide your audience but also increase the likelihood of them acting upon your message.
  1. Avoid Concluding with a Q&A Session: Concluding a presentation with a Q&A session might seem like a traditional approach, but it often results in a less memorable ending. Since you can't control the questions you'll receive, consider integrating questions throughout your presentation. This approach ensures that the questions asked are directly relevant to the information being shared, maintaining the flow and engagement. If a structured Q&A at the end is necessary, allocate time afterward to reinforce key takeaways and leave your audience with a strong, lasting impression.
  1. Conclude with a Compelling Story: Just as a compelling story can captivate your audience at the beginning, closing with one can creatively encapsulate the information you've presented. However, it's essential to choose a story that resonates emotionally and effectively summarizes your message. Avoid the temptation to conclude with a case study, as these are more suitable for the middle of your presentation. A well-crafted story at the end can leave a lasting imprint on your audience, making your message memorable over the long term.
  1. Reinforce Main Points: As your presentation draws to a close, take the opportunity to reinforce your main points. Offering a concise summary using a simple formula—tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them—provides a structured and comprehensive overview. Take the time to not only list key points but also demonstrate how each point connects to others. This approach enhances clarity, ensuring your audience leaves with a strong understanding of the core messages you aimed to convey.
  1. Express Gratitude and Acknowledge Contributions: Signaling the conclusion of your presentation requires finesse, and expressing gratitude to your audience is a powerful way to achieve this. Include a dedicated thank-you slide to convey appreciation for their time and attention. Additionally, take a moment to acknowledge any individuals or companies that played a role in preparing your presentation. This act of recognition not only demonstrates professionalism but also reinforces a sense of collaboration and shared success.

Tools🔨 to Help You Craft a captivating Presentation


Canva is a versatile graphic design tool that offers a user-friendly interface for creating visually appealing presentations. It provides a wide range of templates, graphics, and customization options, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced designers.
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  • Versatile design tool suitable for various graphic design projects, including presentations.
  • User-friendly interface, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced designers.
  • Extensive library of templates, graphics, and customization options for a visually appealing presentation.
  • Limited advanced design features compared to specialized design tools.
  • Collaborative features may be restricted in the free version.
  • Canva offers a free version with basic features.
  • Canva Pro subscription, starting at $9.95 per month, provides additional features and collaboration options.
Key Features:
  • Drag-and-drop interface.
  • Template library for quick design.
  • Collaboration tools for team projects.


Known for its non-linear approach to presentations, Prezi stands out in the realm of slide decks. While it may have a learning curve for some users, it offers a unique and dynamic way to present information. Prezi is ideal for those seeking a creative edge in their presentations.
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  • Non-linear approach offers a dynamic and engaging way to present information.
  • Unique design style sets presentations apart from traditional slide decks.
  • Suitable for those seeking a creative and visually impactful presentation.
  • Learning curve for users unfamiliar with non-linear presentation styles.
  • Free version has limited features.
  • Prezi offers a free version with basic features.
  • Prezi Plus subscription, starting at $7 per month, provides more storage and advanced features.
  • Prezi Business subscription, starting at $19 per month, is designed for teams and includes collaboration features.
Key Features:
  • Non-linear presentation style.
  • Zooming and panning effects for a dynamic presentation.


If time efficiency is a priority, Slidebean is an excellent choice. This presentation tool employs artificial intelligence (AI) to assist in creating polished layouts quickly. While it may not offer extensive customization, its ease of use, templates, and content blocks make it a valuable tool for those looking to streamline the presentation creation process.
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  • AI-driven design aids in creating polished layouts quickly.
  • User-friendly with templates and content blocks for ease of use.
  • Ideal for those prioritizing time efficiency in the presentation creation process.
  • Limited customization options compared to more advanced design tools.
  • Free version has limitations.
  • Slidebean offers a free version with basic features.
  • Slidebean Premium subscription, starting at $9 per month, provides additional features, including privacy settings.
Key Features:
  • AI assistance for layout design.
  • Time-saving templates and content blocks.

Google Slides:

For simplicity and accessibility, Google Slides is a go-to option. This basic yet powerful tool allows users to create presentations from any device with internet access. The advantage lies in its compatibility with other widely used presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote, adding to its versatility.
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  • Simplistic and accessible, allowing presentations to be created from any device.
  • Compatibility with widely used presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote.
  • Collaboration in real-time with team members.
  • Limited offline functionality.
  • Less advanced features compared to standalone design tools.
  • Google Slides is free to use with a Google account.
Key Features:
  • Cloud-based collaboration.
  • Seamless integration with Google Drive.

Microsoft PowerPoint:

A classic choice for presentation creation, Microsoft PowerPoint remains a staple in professional settings. With a plethora of features, templates, and customization options, it caters to a wide range of presentation needs. Its integration with other Microsoft Office applications adds to its convenience.
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  • Feature-rich with a wide range of design options and templates.
  • Integration with other Microsoft Office applications for seamless workflow.
  • Robust collaboration features for team projects.
  • Requires a Microsoft Office subscription for full access to advanced features.
  • Learning curve for users new to the software.
  • Part of the Microsoft Office suite, available through subscription plans starting at $69.99 per year.
Key Features:
  • Extensive template library.
  • Advanced design and animation options.

Start your Presentation like a Pro 😎

  1. Make a Bold Assertion:
      • Craft a compelling, confident statement that demands attention.
      • Emphasize the value and expertise you bring to the audience.
  1. Provide the Unexpected:
      • Break the mold by defying expectations in your opening.
      • Incorporate humor or surprise elements to captivate your audience.
  1. Pique Curiosity:
      • Pose thought-provoking questions that stir curiosity.
      • Harness the brain's affinity for curiosity to enhance engagement.
      • Employ the "confession" technique used by many successful Ted Talk presenters.
  1. Pose Thoughtful Questions:
      • Present questions that prompt deep reflection and engagement.
      • Craft inquiries that require more than a simple yes or no response, encouraging active participation.
  1. Tell a Compelling Story:
      • Initiate your presentation with a gripping narrative.
      • Utilize the universal appeal of storytelling to instantly engage and connect with your audience.
Each of these strategies serves as a potent tool for capturing attention and setting the stage for a memorable and impactful presentation.

Presentation Mistakes to Avoid 🤫

Watch this short but effective video on the Top 3 mistakes one should definetly avoid while giving a presentation by Carl Kwan.
The summary of the video includes:
mistake #1: Being a title teller
mistake #2: Giving a Laser show
mistake #3: Making Excuses
Video preview

Importance of ending presentation on a positive note

01 Leaving a Lasting Impression: Ending your presentation on a high note ensures that your audience remembers your key points, contributing to a lasting impression that lingers beyond the session. A strong conclusion cements your message in their minds.
02 Recapitulating Key Messages: A well-crafted conclusion allows you to recapitulate the essential messages of your presentation. This reinforcement helps solidify the information in the minds of your audience, making it more likely to be retained.
03 Motivating Action: The conclusion is the perfect moment to inspire your audience to take action. Whether it's implementing your ideas, making a decision, or changing behavior, a compelling ending motivates your listeners to move beyond the passive role of spectators.
04 Enhancing Clarity: By providing a concise summary of your main points, the conclusion contributes to overall clarity. It ensures that your audience leaves with a clear understanding of your message, even if the presentation covered complex topics. To know more about the he Importance of Clarity in Communication: Tips for Clearer Messages by London Business Training & Consulting.
05 Creating a Sense of Closure: A strong conclusion gives your presentation a sense of closure. It signals to your audience that they have reached the end of the journey and leaves them with a sense of fulfillment, reinforcing the completeness of your message.
06 Fostering Connection: Concluding on a positive note fosters a connection between you and your audience. It leaves them with a favorable impression, making them more likely to remember and respond positively to your presentation.
07 Building Anticipation: A well-orchestrated ending can build anticipation for future interactions or developments. This is particularly effective in scenarios where your presentation is part of an ongoing series or project. Check out this amazing article on LinkedIn, contributed by Lakshmi S.Coding Educator @ Coding Lab, & Philip Wilkerson III, M.Ed , who have delved deep into the topic Building Anticipation for a presentation:
08 Demonstrating Professionalism: Closing a presentation with finesse showcases your professionalism as a speaker. It demonstrates that you have not only prepared thoroughly but also understand the importance of leaving a positive and memorable impression.
09 Encouraging Questions and Engagement: A good conclusion opens the floor for questions and engagement. By inviting your audience to share their thoughts or seek clarification, you create an interactive dynamic that enhances the overall impact of your presentation.
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10 Leaving Room for Reflection: A thoughtful conclusion allows your audience a moment to reflect on what they've learned. This reflective pause reinforces the educational aspect of your presentation and provides a sense of personal connection to the material.
11 Demonstrating Confidence: A strong conclusion reinforces your confidence as a presenter. It leaves no room for uncertainty and shows that you are in control of the information presented, instilling confidence in your audience.
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12 Ensuring a Positive Overall Experience: The final moments of your presentation contribute significantly to the overall experience for your audience. Ending on a good note ensures that they walk away feeling satisfied, engaged, and positive about the time spent listening to your presentation.


In conclusion, ending a presentation on a positive note is crucial for leaving a lasting impact. Utilizing powerful calls-to-action, avoiding a Q&A-only conclusion, incorporating memorable quotes or compelling stories, and reinforcing main points contribute to a memorable conclusion. By expressing gratitude and acknowledging contributions, speakers can create a sense of closure. Employing effective tools further enhances the overall presentation experience, ensuring a strong and impactful conclusion.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why is ending a presentation on a good note important?
Answer: Ending positively reinforces key messages, leaves a lasting impression, and motivates action, ensuring your audience retains and acts upon the presented information.
How can I avoid a lackluster Q&A-only conclusion?
Answer: Integrate questions throughout your presentation for relevance. If ending with Q&A, reserve time afterward to restate key points and inspire your audience.
Why use memorable quotes or stories to conclude?
Answer: Quotes and stories evoke emotion, making your message memorable. They provide a powerful and resonant conclusion, leaving a lasting imprint on your audience.
How do tools like Canva and Prezi enhance presentations?
Answer: Canva offers versatility and user-friendly design, while Prezi's non-linear approach provides a dynamic and engaging presentation style, setting your content apart.
Why acknowledge contributions and express gratitude at the end?
Answer: Expressing thanks creates a sense of closure, signals the end, and acknowledges collaboration. It fosters a positive connection with your audience, leaving a favorable lasting impression.

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